Nips Juice House Operations

4.3.1. Customer Injuries

Policy: All restaurant personnel will respond to a complaint of an injury promptly and will show concern for the individual making the complaint.


Procedure: Employees must observe the following procedures when there is a complaint of customer injury


  1. Do not admit fault.
  2. Treat the customer or potential claimant with respect and sincerity..
  3. Call 911:
  • if an injury is life-threatening
  • if it is requested by the customer
  • if medical treatment is required


If the customer does not want medical assistance, please note this on incident form. 

      4. Complete the Customer Incident Report.
      5. Obtain a statement from the customer of what happened and provide that information in the incident report.

Do not furnish the customer with the incident report, unless the customer requests a copy of their statement. Be objective and do not include your personal opinions in the incident report.

      6. Obtain names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and statements of witnesses.
      7. Take plenty of photos of the area around the scene. Only take photos of the area of the incident and alleged
      defect of the complaint.
      8. Do not discuss the incident with anyone except an investigating officer or an authorized company representative.
      9. Do not furnish any information about your insurance policy except for the name of your insurer, if asked by the       customer.
      10. Communicate the incident to your immediate supervisor and/or owner of the business.
      11. Maintain the video for the incident. Save and store video footage from the time the customer arrives
      and leaves the property. This should be done as soon as possible.

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